Fridays in Lent… Mar. 12, 2021

Homemade fondue on the stove!!! I miss La fondue in Saratoga.

Fun with states Mar. 12, 2021

Jenna talking about states. At first she thought Texas was the biggest state ever. Then it became a guessing game. We started by pointing to where texas would be on our placemat if our placemat werent plain. Of course she went for front and center, where her cereal bow was near the edge of the […]

The secret to winning at yahtzee… Mar. 10, 2021

Is to get the bonus. Jenna was SOOOO dead set on getting a yahtzee…and she won anyway! I got a yahtzee but flamed out on the upper section. Sarah did too. My yahtzee made it a close game but Jenna had a whopping 74 in the upper section and that was BEFORE her +35. She […]

#truthfuljenna Mar. 9, 2021

Jenna has a knack recently for getting into mischief and then hiding it from her mommy and daddy. A few weeks back she played mad scientist upstairs and left marker water all over the floor. And then she used hair spray to try and scrub it off the floor to keep us from noticing. That […]

Blast From The Past Feb. 28, 2021

Jenna couldnt find the iPad, because I hid it. She was mad because she couldnt watch and Paige didnt want to play with her. Alas, I had something we could play. A staple of my own youth. Enter Morty Maxwell and Shady Glen Elementary School.

Vampire Diaries Feb. 28, 2021

Ms. Jenna has been on the verge of losing another tooth for days. Finally she nearly wiggled it out. And I decided we dont feel like losing her tooth into our dinner and having to explain to the tooth fairy that we need her to take us at our word… So I told Jenna we […]

“Look at Me!!” Feb. 28, 2021

“I’m Coyote Peterson!!”, she says. She has the hat and the snake. 👍 Discovery+ is almost as good as Disney+ Beats the hell out of youtube.

Spears: Bourbon, Burgers and Beer. And Shrimp on Fridays During Lent!!! Feb. 26, 2021

Went from “where are we getting fish for dinner?” to “I cant wait for a bourbon mojito with my fish tacos”

Water works Feb. 26, 2021

Had a nice change of pace last few days. Paige wanted The Lion King instead of Frozen II or the others that are seemingly on an endless loop. She recognizes the first song and tries to sing along even though it is is another language that not even I can really pronounce. At first I […]

Like a Champ Feb. 25, 2021

We literally spent more time driving to the dentist and waiting for the target folks to bring our stuff to the car than we spent in the chair. Maybe more if you count the time she was getting juiced up on nitrous and coming back down. But i digress. Less than 10 minutes and cavity […]