Also April Fools Apr. 1, 2021

Yup, haha Haha.

Happy April Fools Day! Apr. 1, 2021

Jenna has been trying to trick me all day telling me I have something funny on my ears. But i am NOT falling for her tricks. No way Jose. I know what day it is. Happy April Fools Day to you too!

Our covid palm tradition Mar. 28, 2021

Must have palms for palm sunday. We will not be defeated. Watching this mass makes me miss Brian and Margaret and Paul. Lent has some of the best music

Progress Mar. 27, 2021

Ms. Paige hears our hourly alexa alarms and pops up from her tv watching to sit on the potty. Except she pulls down her pants and waddles all the way across the room to the bathroom with her little bum hanging out. Shes not afraid of it anymore – she doesn’t resist it anymore our […]

Yesterday a Chef, Today a Mad Scientist Mar. 26, 2021

This gazpacho is a home run. Hopefully i drink it out of the fridge before it starts growing white fuzzies. Turns out i forgot to dice my jalapeno so had to do that this morning and then divide it among my containers. Gobbled it up at lunchtime. Mixed in some leftover dinner roll and ate […]

I Made Gazpacho! Mar. 25, 2021

Ever since this one time – like 30 yrs ago – that we went to my moms cousins house and she made gazpacho, it has been like my long-lost beverage. Kinda like shark fin soup, except for a little more real. Had it from sizzler every now and then. They even had it at zoup […]

I (We) Done Good…So Far Mar. 23, 2021

Everybody wonders if they have left the right impression on their kids, molded themselves in the image of what they wish for them, praying that they turn out all right. Paige is a success at all the things that Jenna did not soak up. This child is the most polite, conscientious kid. Says please almost […]

Held captive Mar. 20, 2021

At some point in the middle of darkness an intruder entered our bed…this time her feet were friends with mommys head instead of mine. But just as they were getting acquainted i spun ms. Paige around…little did i know the consequences. She cuddled up on top of me. I couldn’t move or risk waking her […]

Whoops Mar. 19, 2021

Went to pick up culvers fish fry and overspent a little. Their fish dinners are massive. Walleye is worth it. In my defense I was trying to buy enough for Jenna to choose fish or shrimp, because if she chose fish I would eat some shrimp. And the best part…drumroll… I have horseradish in the […]

Facepalm Mar. 17, 2021

I was so upset yesterday. It was near bedtime and I was so thirsty for a cold beverage and the fridge was empty. I soldiered on. I put a new bottle of spicy juice in there and set a glass to chill overnight. This morning it was everything i was hoping for. And then i […]