Need To Raise The Bar Apr. 17, 2021

I am beyond tired of hearing all the woke left calling everyone a racist and lecturing everyone about white priviledge. I just had to provide feedback to a co-worker – a white co-worker, but that is an irrelevant detail – and explain to him that his performance was sub-par, but also take some of the […]

Curbside Prerequisites Apr. 11, 2021

Must have your phone. Else must walk inside. Or get lucky that somebody is already outside to ask you your name.

Mwa. Ha. Ha. Apr. 9, 2021

Heard on the radio that gov. Pritzker and mayor lightfoot made an appearance at the white sox home opener. AND GOT BOO-ED OFF THE FIELD! These are the nincompoops who elected them.

I Voted. Apr. 6, 2021

I swear some of these election judges, the highlight of their day is to teach some young kids how to use a touchscreen voting machine. It is like they are so happy to have the opportunity to demonstrate. Maybe the number of in-person voters is just so small they are legitimately bored. The other precinct […]

THERE IS A GOD! Apr. 6, 2021

And, according to Father Boland, he always gets the last laugh!!!

Oh no. Of all the things… Apr. 4, 2021

So we are sitting on the rectory lawn waiting for mass to start…and Paige see’s Father Boland getting ready to greet everyone at the start of mass… “Mommy! Daddy! White man good!” (we are about to shit our pants. we are literally sinking in our chairs) Let me explain. Paige NEVER likes to sit still […]

Paige likes the bum bum song. Apr. 4, 2021

Got Paige out of the bath and while i was drying off her bum i started singing the jibjab bomb -ba-bomb-bomb-bomb-bomb song…i had to play it in the background while i was getting her dressed… “Daddy may i please listen bum bum song please?” Lol.

It begins… Apr. 4, 2021

Twice a year and only twice a year the kids have amazing discoveries which send them to and from our bedroom with new findings and announcements… “Jelly beans galore!” “The little cream-filled kind!” “Is it morning yet?” “A green egg!!”

1, 2, 3, CLAM!!! Apr. 3, 2021

Jenna and I are locked in a battle. The first two rounds she went down easy. This one is nearly 30 minutes old and still going. She is not backing down.

Now what? Apr. 2, 2021

Have been searching for new and exciting things to eat for dinner on friday nights during lent…we did sushi, fish tacos, fondue, walleye, sushi again and a medley from north branch…what ever will we eat next week? Hasta la visa fishies.