Water works

justin - Feb. 26, 2021 - Uncategorized /

Had a nice change of pace last few days. Paige wanted The Lion King instead of Frozen II or the others that are seemingly on an endless loop. She recognizes the first song and tries to sing along even though it is is another language that not even I can really pronounce.

At first I was happy because I love that movie. But after having watched it five or six times now in the last 48 hrs, I need it to stop. Because it makes me cry, like I seriously lose it. It’s a good thing we don’t have surround sound because I would turn it way up and somebody would have to mop the floor and scrape my weak helpless carcass off of it. Would love to see it on the IMAX again after this covid19 stuff is over, but will need to stock up on tissues. Last time I did that I think somebody else had to drive home. Don’t even get me a live orchestra to play the soundtrack.