The world according to the “queen”

justin - Oct. 15, 2021 - Uncategorized /

Life sucks sometimes. I’m not talking about our incompetent leaders – Lets Go Brandon – I’m talking about just things that don’t go your way sometimes. You hope your family values you but they fail to demonstrate that. Everybody is entitled to be selfish every now and then I guess. They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I suppose this makes me insane.

My family is in Hawaii right now. I was supposed to join them, but the fact they – in fairness it was the queen – insisted on going in the middle of the school year, combined with the cook county health department requiring unvaccinated children to quarantine for two weeks upon return, combined with an outbreak in the classroom less than 14 days from our trip meant that we were not be able to attend. Don’t let the order of those events confuse you. In the end we were never going to be able to go…but before the last two weeks, before the delta surge, before the school year started, the queen decided what she was doing and by extension what everyone else had to do.

She gets to make all the rules. She has been empowered by the lack of resistance. Everyone else be damned. She is ok pulling her kids out of school for a week or more, because everybody else should be ok with it too. And the grandparents fall in line for fear of getting cut off from the kids…because god knows the queen would probably hold them hostage if anybody stood up to her or her demands.

This is not the first time. Every time the story is the same. My way or the high way, Queens orders. If the Queen doesn’t like it, she refuses to participate. God forbid she bring her kids to somebody else’s party and follow their rules. She would rather abstain than take orders from someone else.

It is interesting because another member of my extended family has had a recent falling-out…same story – the same repeated train of abuses, and there is eventually a final straw. I don’t know if my cookie has crumbled yet. I don’t want the cookie to crumble, but how else can one impart change upon people who repeatedly refuse to stand up for you? The time has come to quit rolling over and taking it. Never again.

Good for them. Glad they didn’t let somebody ruin their perfect vacation. I hope they have a good time and aren’t thinking about me. Maybe someday I can have that perfect vacation too. With people that want to be there with me.