What we need

justin - Jun. 27, 2021 - Uncategorized /

Just read a post on LinkedIn that was trying to honor a hero and weed out the anti-cop riff-raff.

Of course there were 20k comments of anti-cop hate, and triggered persons who could not contain their emotions and felt compelled to respond to a stranger justifying their views of disapproval, instead of just ignoring.

We don’t need critical race theory. We need to teach folks to control their emotions. When somebody says something you don’t like, WALK AWAY. You think defending yourself loudly to a complete stranger behind the veil of social media makes you a tough guy? It makes you a COWARD. Find another way to diffuse your emotions. Write in your diary. Talk with your spouse. Go work out.

One day, in our society, two angry men (or women) will show up to a disagreement and not be reduced to violence. “Oh he started it”. BULLSHIT. Be the bigger person and end it by WALKING AWAY. It may be tough to purge from your mind, but this my friends is the quality of character that our society lacks. Combination of thin skin and strong memory.

All this bit about getting “triggered” and micro-aggressions is the smell of the larger mental issues. All the people crying foul because they got triggered or were on the sorry end of a micro-aggression are really in need of some therapy. Therapy to let go, look the other way, go on with life. There are some things that are mean in nature and hurt to be on the receiving end of. Even more reason to talk to a professional to cope in a safe manner.