Need To Raise The Bar

justin - Apr. 17, 2021 - Uncategorized /

I am beyond tired of hearing all the woke left calling everyone a racist and lecturing everyone about white priviledge.

I just had to provide feedback to a co-worker – a white co-worker, but that is an irrelevant detail – and explain to him that his performance was sub-par, but also take some of the blame for the fact that the expectations had been very low in the first place. I realized that if you have low expectations you wont be disappointed. Unless you wish you had had higher expectations.

One of the most cataclysmic failures of our society is that we refuse to acknowledge when victims are also perpetrators. Once you are a victim you are untouchable. A kid waves a gun at a cop and gets shot, nobody can say that the kid deserved it. In truth nobody deserves to die for an unwise decision, but nobody accepts that as a logical consequence of unwise decisions.

What we should be doing is demanding our fellow citizens make better decisions. We can’t reasonably demand they do so as a precondition for not getting shot, but please. I don’t want anybody getting shot. I don’t think it is unreasonable to tell our victims families to, for the sake of our society, acknowledge that behavior such as waving a gun near a cop or flat out refusing to obey their request, is a stupid choice that has potentially fatal ramifications, and that is not illegal, racist or inequitable.

Nobody deserves to die, but we need to raise our expectations of our fellow citizens and police alike. Our police are charged with keeping peace and securing our towns. In my heart I don’t think they are cold-blooded folks looking to reduce the size of the non-white population. I don’t dispute that the laws disproportionately affect folks who continue to break them. We need more measures to demonstrate to our citizens that our officers are operating within legal limits, and we need to hold our officers and citizens alike accountable for their unwise decisions. That means that victims can be wrong too. Two wrongs don’t make a right.