Fun with states

justin - Mar. 12, 2021 - Uncategorized /

Jenna talking about states. At first she thought Texas was the biggest state ever. Then it became a guessing game.

We started by pointing to where texas would be on our placemat if our placemat werent plain.

Of course she went for front and center, where her cereal bow was near the edge of the table! ❤️

Then California ✔️

And Illinois ✔️

And Florida ✔️

But we were trying to find the biggest state she had alluded to…I put one of her toys way out where Alaska would be. “The Atlantic Ocean?” Nope. “The Pathetic Ocean?”

Lol. No, not the pathetic ocean. “Juneau what the biggest state is?” i ask. 😁😁😁

Then Sarah gives it away by telling everyone that Alaska is vaccinating their general public. What a debbie downer.

Anyhow, now we are playing map memory with a placemat that is definitely not a map!