#foiled #defeated #loser

justin - Feb. 21, 2021 - #funnypaiges /

It wasnt long ago that Paige learned to shout demands at alexa. “Alexa Play Frozen 2!”; “Alexa Play Baby Shark!”; “Alexa Play This!”; “Alexa Play That!” Literally our dinnertime conversation was monopolized by Paige yelling for Alexa to obey.

I was initially successful at stopping this by putting Alexa on mute. The problem with this is that Paige started barking even louder at Alexa, angrily perplexed by her blatant disregard for her wishes.

But now Paige walks up to Alexa, presses the unmute button, checks that the light is not red, and proceeds to see her will be done. I am defeated.